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  • Writer's pictureMarta Díaz

How countries deal with Church sexual abuse?

Nowadays more and more cases from Church sexual abuse are being found in different countries. It is an issue that countries have being dealing for long time ago. Those scandals had harm Church's reputation and most of the time the institution had try to hide the cases that were appearing. It is now when the Pope Francisco it is taking the responsibility to give a global response to a global catholic church crisis.

It is important to highlight that those scandals are not new, we really don’t know even since catholics are struggling with this huge trouble. They were discovered a long the nineties in Us and Ireland first, but as the cases were appearing more and more victims were appearing too.

How this cases started?

To understand more how this issues was becoming bigger, it is crucial to understand the beginnings of sexual abuse from the church. It was said that this pederasty chapters were set off at orphanages and ecclesiastical schools were children were more isolated from society and were they learned they belong to the church and therefore to their “mentors”. They tried to hide the abuses they committed to young people who thought they were fellow believers.

First cases

It wasn’t till some victims from Us and Ireland began to tell their story and to report such felonies, that the world wasn’t conscious about what it was really happening. As a result the investigations were opened and journalists, the police, detectives… etc unmasked and verify since 1950 more than 1300 cases in all a long Us. With 300 priests implicated.

In Europe one of the countries with more victims of sexual abuse from the church is Ireland. This controversial issue started to be in everyones mouth, when in the nineties a series of criminal cases reported that hundreds of priest had abused thousands of children over the last decades,

There was not a punishment from the government, it was only decided to redistributed those priests to other places to avoid some kind of embarrassment or scandals that may affect the church.

Countries dealing with this issue

With not doubt there are registers of sexual abuses from the church in every country were the catholic church has been established. It is true that depending on the countries predominates more this criminal acts. However there are victim all over the world that every day become braver and tell their story to stop this tremendous problem that affect the most vulnerable people: children. It is suppose that religion helps you to understand life from other perspective; faith. And this terrible pedophiles take advatange of the innocence of the smallest ones.

To have a more graphic explanation, a map will help you to identify the countries which suffer more from this abuses.

Legal solutions

For ages the church has been supported by the different conservative governments which tried to hide most of this cases and protect them from the scandals and public opinion. However the problem was becoming bigger and bigger as the years were passing by. So there appear organizations such as Asociación Nacional de Infancias robadas (ANIR) from Spain which main objective is to protest and movilice society from this issue. It Is assosiated with a collective from other countries and they protect victims from their aggressors and take legal actions. That it is why there asking the government for a investigative commission to finally take action and pressure prosecutors to find a solution and to make justice to those that were for ages hide and covered up.

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